#BtheVoice Video Library

The B the Voice story bank is a global effort to elevate the voices of those living with hepatitis B. It’s a compliment to the #justB storytelling campaign that focuses on the U.S. Each story is unique and is told by a person living with hepatitis B. Many of the topics covered by the storytellers include stigma, discrimination, access to healthcare and more.

Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Will’s story of living with hepatitis B in China

Will discovered he had hepatitis B at age 15 during a routine physical examination and later learned about his condition when he failed a blood test for a job opportunity. Initially indifferent to his diagnosis, he became overwhelmed with emotions when he realized he would live with the virus for life. Hepatitis B has significantly impacted his lifestyle, forcing him to abstain from alcohol and causing feelings of inferiority and fear of stigma. Will advises others with the virus to accept their condition, undergo regular medical check-ups, and maintain a positive outlook through exercise and social interactions. He emphasizes the importance of managing one's health and staying active despite the challenges of living with hepatitis B.

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