#BtheVoice Video Library

The B the Voice story bank is a global effort to elevate the voices of those living with hepatitis B. It’s a compliment to the #justB storytelling campaign that focuses on the U.S. Each story is unique and is told by a person living with hepatitis B. Many of the topics covered by the storytellers include stigma, discrimination, access to healthcare and more.

Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Geoffery’s story of living with hepatitis B in Uganda

Geoffrey discovered he had hepatitis B during a routine medical checkup while working in a laboratory during his internship. After confirming the diagnosis with a medical director, he learned that he was born with the infection. Throughout his journey, Geoffrey faced stigma from classmates and colleagues, and spent money on ineffective treatments. With guidance from his doctors, he avoided alcohol and unnecessary medications, which helped him manage his condition without experiencing symptoms. 

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Philip’s story of living with hepatitis B in Uganda

Philip learned he had hepatitis B during a routine screening at work, a diagnosis that initially left him in shock and unable to sleep. Over time, through counseling and self-education, he accepted his condition. Realizing the widespread lack of awareness about hepatitis B, even among healthcare professionals, Philip took action by founding an organization aimed at educating communities and schools about the disease. His journey has been challenging, particularly in Uganda, where hepatitis B is often referred to as a "silent killer" due to the lack of knowledge and attention it receives. Philip emphasizes the importance of lifestyle changes, such as diet and avoiding toxins, to manage the disease and reduce its impact.

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Naume’s story of living with hepatitis B in Uganda

Naume discovered she had hepatitis B during an antenatal visit when routine tests were conducted. Initially shocked by the diagnosis, she received ongoing support from her doctor and family, especially her husband. Despite challenges in accessing medication due to financial constraints, Naume remains resilient. She emphasizes the importance of seeking medical advice and the vital role of family support, particularly for married couples, where one partner may be affected by hepatitis B. Naume wants others to know that with proper care and support, living with hepatitis B is manageable.

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Abby’s story of living with hepatitis B in Uganda

Abby talks about her journey from initial symptoms to discovering she had hepatitis B. Abby discusses how the diagnosis impacted her life, the lifestyle changes she made to manage her condition, and the challenges she faced, including stigma and limitations on travel. Abby emphasizes the importance of regular check-ups and shares an encouraging message about living a normal life with proper management

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Susan’s story of living with hepatitis B in Uganda

Susan shares her experience of being diagnosed with hepatitis B during a government testing and vaccination program. Initially, she did not fully understand the disease and took it lightly. However, a subsequent test three years later revealed that the disease persisted, which significantly impacted her. With proper medical guidance and effective medication, Susan's health improved, although the cost of treatment remains a challenge. She emphasizes that hepatitis B is not a death sentence and encourages others to stay strong, follow medical advice, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Joseph’s story of living with hepatitis B in Uganda

Joseph shares his emotional journey after being diagnosed with hepatitis B during a job application process for a position in Iraq. After rigorous medical tests, Joseph and a colleague received the devastating news that they had the virus, which disqualified them from the job. Faced with this life-changing diagnosis, Joseph fell into despair and turned to alcohol, choosing to keep his condition a secret from everyone, including his family. In a country with limited specialized medical care, Joseph's struggle became even more challenging, especially after losing his brother to the same disease. Despite these hardships, Joseph learned that it is possible to live with hepatitis B with proper care and support. This powerful story highlights the importance of online resources in managing hepatitis B. Interviewers: National Organisation for People Living with Hepatitis B (NOPLHB) https://noplhb.org/

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Hassan’s story of living with hepatitis B in Uganda

Follow Hassan's journey as he battles through the fear and stigma of being diagnosed with hepatitis B. From initially mistaking his symptoms for malaria to facing stigma from loved ones after his diagnosis, Hassan's resilience shines through. Despite the challenges, he wants to spread awareness that living positively with hepatitis B is possible, and one can still lead a fulfilling life with proper care and management of hepatitis B. All patients with chronic hepatitis B infections, including children and adults, should be monitored regularly since they are at increased risk for developing cirrhosis, liver failure, or liver cancer.

Interviewers: National Organisation for People Living with Hepatitis B (NOPLHB)


Sponsors: Hepatitis B Foundation (USA) and Gilead Sciences

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Musa’s story of living with hepatitis B in Uganda

Initially traumatized by the diagnosis in 2021, Musa was advised by healthcare professionals to start medication promptly. Overcoming initial hurdles in accessing the correct treatment, he now receives medication free of charge at government hospitals. Musa emphasizes the importance of early testing, highlighting that hepatitis B may not show symptoms immediately. With his story, he aims to spread awareness that living normally with Hepatitis B is possible, urging others to prioritize their health and get tested early

Interviewers: National Organisation for People Living with Hepatitis B (NOPLHB)


Sponsors: Hepatitis B Foundation (USA) and Gilead Sciences

Interviewers: National Organisation for People Living with Hepatitis B (NOPLHB)


Sponsors: Hepatitis B Foundation (USA) and Gilead Sciences

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Amon’s story of living with hepatitis B in Uganda

A few years ago, Amon began to experience symptoms of what he later found out was hepatitis B. Initially, Amon could not get tested as the tests were too expensive. Over time, Amon’s symptoms worsened, and in 2017 while applying for jobs, Amon tested positive for hepatitis B when applying for jobs. Amon was stigmatized by his community due to his diagnosis. Amon began to realize the barriers people face when they are in a similar situation. Seeing that cost and lack of medicine are the main barriers to testing, Amon saw the need for awareness and education to help ensure everyone knows about hepatitis B.

Interviewers: National Organisation for People Living with Hepatitis B (NOPLHB)


Sponsors: Hepatitis B Foundation (USA) and Gilead Sciences

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Monique Benvenutti Monique Benvenutti

Kenneth’s story of living with hepatitis B in Uganda

Kenneth's personal experience with hepatitis B, including losing a friend to the disease and his own diagnosis, led him to create the National Organization for People with Hepatitis B. The organization is focused on eliminating stigma, increasing awareness, and advocating for services for people with hepatitis B.

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