Jacki's Story
When Jacki learned that his brother’s liver cancer was caused by hepatitis B, he got tested and found out he had the virus, too. Later, his wife also found out she has hepatitis B. When she got pregnant, they did their research and were able to prevent mother-to-child transmission. Jacki and his wife are taking medication to manage their hepatitis B and have started a Taiwanese hepatitis B patient group. Today, all of their kids are hepatitis-free, and Jacki’s brother is cured of liver cancer!
Jacki's story is available in English and Mandarin.
Storyteller Jacki in Action
Taiwan Hepatitis Information & Care Association (THICA) originated from Professor Chen, who teaches at New Jersey Medical College in the United States, and is concerned about the progress of liver disease prevention and treatment in Taiwan. This association is a non-profit social organization established in accordance with the law. Its main purpose is to provide all kinds of latest hepatitis, liver disease, and medical-related information, and to help promote knowledge about liver disease prevention, treatment, and health care, and at the same time encourage and provide guidance. Liver patients receive treatment, and when necessary, the medical expenses of low-income and student liver patients are subsidized, and the medical rights and interests that liver patients deserve are fought for, with the main purpose of promoting the early elimination of liver disease in Taiwan.
THICA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/THICA.Taiwan
THICA Twitter: https://twitter.com/THICA_TW
THICA LINE: https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40pia7026d
THICA Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thica-taiwan