Susan’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan

Susan found out that she had hepatitis B during her pregnancy check-up. Later, her parents and husband were all found to have either hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or both. Luckily, her parents were successfully cured of the infections, and her husband is on long-term antiviral therapy. They all have healthy liver conditions and she hope that everyone with hepatitis B (or C) can have access to treatment. Hepatitis B is the main cause of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Early treatment of hepatitis B can reduce the risk of liver diseases.

This interview was conducted on February 18, 2023 in Taipei City, Taiwan. 影片製作者 Producer:Jacki Chen 採訪者 Interviewer:Jacki Chen & Rhea Racho 贊助單位 Sponsor:Hepatitis B Foundation (USA) 美國B肝基金會 @HepBFoundation 執行單位 Organizer:Taiwan Hepatitis Information & Care Association (THICA) 社團法人台灣肝炎資訊網關懷協會 @thica-taiwan 本故事是基於與台灣一名真實患者的面談。患者所述意見僅代表其個人看法,不可視為醫療建議。HBF和THICA對患者的評論既不背書也不承擔責任。 This story was derived from a face-to-face interview with an actual patient in Taiwan. All statements made by the patient represent their personal views and should not be considered as medical advice. HBF and THICA neither endorse nor take any responsibility for any comments made by the patient."


Naume’s story of living with hepatitis B in Uganda


Rolex’s story of living with hepatitis B in Uganda