#BtheVoice Video Library

The B the Voice story bank is a global effort to elevate the voices of those living with hepatitis B. It’s a compliment to the #justB storytelling campaign that focuses on the U.S. Each story is unique and is told by a person living with hepatitis B. Many of the topics covered by the storytellers include stigma, discrimination, access to healthcare and more.

Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Alex’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan

Alex found out he has hepatitis B during community screening and has continued to follow up regularly since then. Two years ago, his liver enzymes began to rise, and the doctor recommended starting medication. Alex hopes that Taiwan’s health insurance can relax the number of years of hepatitis B drug treatment and provide doctors with longer consultation time. He also suggests that patients can make more use of community internal medicine clinics for follow-up. Hepatitis B is the main cause of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Early treatment of hepatitis B can reduce the risk of liver diseases.


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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Susan’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan

Susan found out that she had hepatitis B during her pregnancy check-up. Later, her parents and husband were all found to have either hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or both. Luckily, her parents were successfully cured of the infections, and her husband is on long-term antiviral therapy. They all have healthy liver conditions and she hope that everyone with hepatitis B (or C) can have access to treatment. Hepatitis B is the main cause of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Early treatment of hepatitis B can reduce the risk of liver diseases.

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Stanly’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan

亞龍在專科學校健檢時發現B肝帶原,當初並未在意。當兵前體檢肝指數異常,但身體無症狀,仍未在意。 直到出社會開始工作,經歷兩次肝臟急性發炎,食慾不振、並出現黃疸,兩次住院後恢復正常。之後經過10年,在一次公司健檢時,發現已經肝硬化並有中度脂肪肝。之後亞龍成功減肥消除了脂肪肝,並持續服用B肝抗病毒藥物治療至今... Stanly discovered he had chronic hepatitis B during a health check in vocational school, but did not pay much attention to it. Before his military service, his liver function test showed abnormal results, but he had no symptoms and remained unconcerned. It wasn't until he started working that he experienced two episodes of acute hepatitis, with symptoms like loss of appetite and jaundice. After recovering from two hospitalizations, he seemed to be fine. Over the next ten years, a company health check revealed cirrhosis and moderate fatty liver. Stanly then successfully lost weight and eliminated the fatty liver, and has continued antiviral treatment for hepatitis B to this day. B肝是引起肝硬化和肝癌的主要原因,B肝治療能降低低肝病發生機率。 Hepatitis B is the main cause of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Early treatment of hepatitis B can reduce the risk of liver diseases. 本影片採訪日期是 2023年 2月18日,地點是台灣台北。 This interview was conducted on February 18, 2023 in Taipei City, Taiwan. 影片製作者 Producer:Jacki Chen 採訪者 Interviewer:Susan Yang, Jacki Chen & Rhea Racho 贊助單位 Sponsor:Hepatitis B Foundation (USA) 美國B肝基金會 @HepBFoundation 執行單位 Organizer:Taiwan Hepatitis Information & Care Association (THICA) 社團法人台灣肝炎資訊網關懷協會 @thica-taiwan 本故事是基於與台灣一名真實患者的面談。患者所述所有意見僅代表其個人看法。HBF和THICA對患者的評論既不背書也不承擔責任。This story was derived from a face-to-face interview with an actual patient in Taiwan. All statements made by the patient represent their personal views. HBF and THICA neither endorse nor take responsibility for any comments made by the patient."

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Lynette’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan

Lynette discovered she had hepatitis B during a health check-up at nursing school before her hospital internship. She was the only one in her family with the virus. Five years ago, she faced a dilemma about whether to start treatment, as her liver test results were normal. Ultimately, she decided to proceed with antiviral treatment. Lynette is grateful to her doctors for their support, especially as she was later diagnosed with breast and thyroid cancers. 故事簡介: Lynette 在醫院實習前的護理學校體檢中發現自己感染了B型肝炎。她是家中唯一感染B型肝炎的人。五年前,由於所有檢查結果都正常,她一直在掙扎是否應接受B肝治療。最終,她決定接受抗病毒藥物治療,並感謝醫生們在她B型肝炎和癌症治療過程中給予的支持。 Hepatitis B is the main cause of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Early treatment of hepatitis B can reduce the risk of liver diseases. B肝是引起肝硬化和肝癌的主要原因,B肝治療能降低低肝病發生機率。

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Jason’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan

Jason's Hepatitis B Story 澤民的B肝故事 #BtheVoice #B肝之聲


Jason contracted Hepatitis B and C due to a bone marrow transplant at a young age. Despite undergoing interferon treatment 12 years ago, he was unable to clear the viruses. Six years later, he successfully cured his hepatitis C using self-procured generic direct-acting antivirals (DAAs). To celebrate curing HCV, he went on a trip to Japan with his family, but fell ill upon arrival. He promptly returned to Taiwan and was hospitalized for acute exacerbation of chronic hepatitis B and was prepared for a liver transplantation.

Producer:Jacki Chen

Interviewers:Jacki Chen & Rhea Racho

Sponsor:Hepatitis B Foundation (USA)

Organizer:Taiwan Hepatitis Information & Care Association (THICA) 社團法人台灣肝炎資訊網關懷協會 @thica-taiwan

This story was derived from a face-to-face interview with an actual patient in Taiwan. All statements made by the patient represent their personal views. HBF and THICA neither endorse nor take responsibility for any comments made by the patient."

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Shane’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan

Shane knew he had hepatitis B when he was in middle school and started regular check-ups 10 years ago. But because every check-up showed no problems, hepatitis B was never taken seriously and never treated. Later, due to busy work, he did not return for follow-up for two years. Unfortunately, when he returned for a follow-up visit four years ago, he unexpectedly discovered an 8.5-centimeter liver cancer tumor! Shane urged people with hepatitis B to return for regular check-ups without interruption. He also encouraged people with hepatitis B to receive antiviral drug treatment as early as possible to reduce the risk of liver cancer.

Hepatitis B is the main cause of liver cancer. Early treatment can reduce liver cancer risk.

This interview was conducted on February 18, 2023 in Taipei City, Taiwan. 。

Producer:Jacki Chen

Interviewers:Jacki Chen & Rhea Racho

Sponsor:Hepatitis B Foundation (USA)

Organizer:Taiwan Hepatitis Information & Care Association (THICA) 社團法人台灣肝炎資訊網關懷協會 @thica-taiwan

This story was derived from a face-to-face interview with an actual patient in Taiwan. All statements made by the patient represent their personal views. HBF and THICA neither endorse nor take responsibility for any comments made by the patient."

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

CC Kuo’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan

CC discovered he had Hepatitis B in high school during a blood donation. His hepatitis B was due to mother-to-child vertical transmission. Despite routine health check-ups, CC experienced an episode of acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) at the age of 48. He was hospitalized for a month and luckily recovered. Despite the acute nature of his severe hepatitis, CC wasn't able to get immediate antiviral treatment at a local hospital due to policy restriction on prescription eligibility to specialists. CC urges the government and policy makers to relax treatment guideline for hepatitis B and emphasize that antiviral treatment not only control the virus but also lower the risk of liver cancer, one of the leading cause of cancer death in Taiwan.

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Jamie’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan

Jamie discovered she had Hepatitis B during her freshman health check-up in college. Both her maternal grandmother and her mother have chronic Hepatitis B infections. With her ongoing battle against Lupus and undergoing immunosuppressive therapy, she had begun antiviral therapy for her Hepatitis B. Jamie urges young individuals to speak out about their infections to combat societal stigma and anticipates more effective treatments in the future. She emphasizes that treating Hepatitis B is less costly than treating liver cancer, pointing to the importance of starting treatment early before it progresses to liver cancer.

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Cash’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan

Cash knew that she had hepatitis B at the age of 14, during a regular school health check-up. She was told that everything was fine, no need for treatment. Unfortunately, a liver tumor was discovered and found to be a malignant cancer. She underwent surgery and took part in a clinical trial to prevent the cancer from coming back, and started to take antiviral to control the virus.

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Jacky’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan

During his freshman health check-up in college, Jacky discovered he had hepatitis B. Initially informed that no treatment was required as everything seemed fine. However, last year, he encountered esophageal bleeding stemming from liver cirrhosis. Following surgery, he commenced antiviral therapy and refrained from consuming alcohol.

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Xiaohui's story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan

Xiaohui has been a carrier of hepatitis B since childhood, but she has always been healthy and symptom-free. Her liver shows no signs of inflammation, fibrosis or cirrhosis, and she rarely even catches a cold. Regrettably, a massive liver tumor was discovered at the age of 36. Despite surgical removal, it unfortunately recurred and had spread to other organs. Xiaohui is on targeted drug therapy covered by government health insurance. If the drug fails one day, she hopes the government will continue to help her. Xiaohui does not meet government insurance criteria for the latest immunotherapy plus targeted drug. She is now being treated with chemotherapy and a second line immunotherapy at her own expense. We urge the Taiwan government to expand access to first-line immunotherapy and targeted drugs, giving Xiaohui a better chance to survive and raise her children. Hepatitis B is the main cause of liver cancer. There are vaccines to prevent infection and drugs to control the virus. Vaccination and treatment can greatly reduce liver cancer risk.

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Michelle Liu Michelle Liu

Mike’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan

At birth, Mike Lin contracted the hepatitis B virus through vertical transmission from his mother. However, he showed no obvious symptoms until a severe and sudden flare of hepatitis in 2005. He then began oral antiviral treatment, which he continues to this day to control the virus. In 2012, he discovered a liver tumor for the first time. Despite surgical removal, it unfortunately recurred twice. After multiple surgeries, embolizations (TAE), and Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) treatments, he is fortunate to have stabilized both his hepatitis B and liver cancer for many years. Mike urges individuals with chronic hepatitis B to undergo regular check-ups and to eliminate unhealthy habits, allowing them to lead lives similar to those without the condition. Hepatitis B is a primary cause of liver cancer, but it can be prevented with a vaccine and controlled with medication. These interventions significantly reduce the likelihood of developing liver cancer.

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